Mar 28, 2008

Come rally against the rape of our province!

In my opinion this is one of THE WORST environmental crimes of all time. It is something that concerns both Canadian and Americans, and the whole planet. Yes, Canada is the perpetrator. Alberta actually, is the province that is contributing to this massive destruction of our earth. BUT 70% of the oil from this project is being bought by Americans! So if you live in America, let your government know that you do not support the tar sands project in Canada! and if you live in Canada speak up, our environment is being raped and destroyed.

The whole tar sands thing is REALLY REALLY SCARY. ....and it is something that really outrages me.
((I know this entry is long. Even if you don't read the whole thing, please at least check out the bottom of the entry, as there is a rally going on in both Saskatoon and Regina April 1st!!! Info below: )

Check out this youtube video, part 1 of 2 (there's a link to part two there) .. a 6 minute CBC news story about what's going on.

Here is an article from the facebook group "Sask Tar Sands Truth Project"

This is a group for people concerned and opposed to unsafe and unsustainable oil sands development in Saskatchewan. Hopefully it will serve as an organizational hub for anti-tar sands actions and general consciousness-raising on the issue.

There are many reasons that the Saskatchewan people should be concerned about future oil extraction and refining in our province. One needs only to look to our neighbour to the west to see the destructive impacts of the tar sands industry:

Extreme environmental destruction:
-strip mining, meaning the elimination of all vegetation in the area. Thousands of kilometres of Boreal forest in Saskatchewan would disappear.
-pollution of our rivers with toxic chemicals such as arsenic, causing rare cancers.
-future development of nuclear power plants in Saskatchewan to power Alberta and Saskatchewan refineries.
-consumption of large quantities of Natural Gas, which is ironically a cleaner, more expensive non-renewable, in order to run refineries for dirty oil.
-the rendering of Canadian Kyoto targets unattainable, thus eliminating our role in the international community as an ally against climate change.
-the rapid consumption our freshwater sources, requiring 4 barrels of freshwater per barrel of oil. Saskatchewan has a lot of freshwater; we should protect this.
-huge tailing ponds of polluted water visible from space and growing.

Social decay:
-high rate of suicide among workers
-exploitation of imported foreign labour or "transitory workers"
-absolutely no job security
-climbing rate of drug addiction to substances such as cocaine and methamphetamines among labourers
-increasing rates of prostitution

Damaging Aboriginal Communities:
-environmental destruction of the territory of the people at Fort Chipewyan
-rare cancers caused by chemicals in fish from the Athabasca river
-projected sites for mining in Saskatchewan are in Nothern Saskatchewan, in the middle of small Aboriginal communities which could not survive this type of invasion.

-Over 70% of the oil extracted from Canadian tar sands is exported south to the United States via pipeline; 10-30% remains in Canada. Of this, almost none goes to Eastern Canada.
-Although we are the most important new source of oil in the world, Canada must rely on unstable providers of oil for our own consumption, including Iraq and Libya. Canada's energy security is compromised for that of America's, while we are left with the environmental disasters.

Join us to spread the truth about tar sands development. We are Not For Sale!

Contact InfoWebsite:

Also: there is a rally going on Tuesday April 1st for those of us concerned about this issue. More info here:


For anyone in Regina on Tuesday April 1st
Come Celebrate Fossil Fools Day!!!
It's an international day of Action!
11:30 - 1:30
Legislative Building
Come enjoy listening to a variety of speakers, as well as Free Food!!
Hope to see you there!

Event InfoName:
Fossil Fool's Day "Real Sask Party"
Anti-Tar Sands, Pro Fun, Free Food
Sask Tar Sands Truth Project
Causes - Rally
Time and PlaceDate:
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
4:30pm - 6:00pm
Sask Party Headquarters
315 22nd Street East (downtown)
Saskatoon, SK

Please come out and be a part of this!! Please forward widely!*

We are Not For Sale!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008 marks the 5th Annual Fossil Fools Day, a global day of action that targets the unsustainability of fossil fuel use. Communities
across the world are rising to the challenge and organizing local actions and events to collectively say to governmental and corporate leaders - JUST

In Saskatoon the *Sask Tar Sands Truth Project*, a collective of citizens concerned about Tar Sands development in Sask, is hosting a Fossil Fools Day

Specifically, we are hosting a 'WE ARE NOT FOR SALE' Party at 315 22nd Street East (downtown) in front of the Sask Party headquarters.

There is going to be music, dancing, and free, delicous food will also be provided!
So please join us at 4:30pm and help us party it up!

At present, Tar Sands development in Sask is the most concerning environmental topic in our province. Decisions made by the gov't now
are going to continue to affect us well into the future. Let's let the Sask Party know that People and Ecosystems over more important than Profits...
This is our chance to stand together and voice our concerns.

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